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Landing Page - ALM test collection

Supply 648 nutrient-dense therapeutic biscuits to venerable young children to keep their bodies growing and have the energy they need to be strong and healthy.
When minus a mother's milk, this gift keeps a baby fed.
Give a community 160 bars of antibacterial soap to boost hygiene and stop the spread of sickness.
A salty solution to dehydration and diarrhoea.
Provide children with the resources they need to learn with these essential items.
Solar Study Kit $112.00
Protect the Earth and help children stay connected, even when the power's out.
Provide enough therapeutic food for three children to make a full recovery from Severe Acute Malnutrition.
Christmas Pack is a kit full of surprises including modelling clay, soccer balls, a basketball, a solar wind-up radio, and pencils, curated for young, energetic, and inquiring minds.
Provide 20 women with safer births by gifting water purification tablets, iron and folate supplements, vaccines, stethoscopes and more.
By gifting a Family Survival Gift Box, you are supporting a family's journey from survival to safety.
Carefully curated to nurture young minds with puzzles, games, books, art supplies and more.
Protect children who are most vulnerable against preventable diseases with these life-saving vaccines.