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Landing Page - ALM test collection

With a respirator, respiration timer and 50 meningitis treatments, this special pack can help to give every infant the best chance at life.
By giving winter blankets, you'll be helping young children stay cosy as the temperatures drop. Help them brave the cold nights and keep them safe and sound.
Polio is a disease on the cusp of eradication. Let's end it for good.
A super simple way to help protect hundreds of children's lives.
If you could save a 100 babies would you do it? With this gift you can.
When natural disasters strike, send 432 emergency food rations to children and families that need them most.
Help protect those who save children's lives.
When natural disasters strike, send urgent emergency food rations to children and families.
Measles claims hundreds of lives daily and young children are most at risk.
No matter where a child lives, this sun-powered pack helps to spark laughter and learning.
1 Water Pump $438.00
A water pump can help families and children access safe water, which can also help reduce the risk of dangerous diseases.