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Landing Page - ALM test collection

This miracle peanut paste, Plumpy’Nut®, can bring a child back from severe malnutrition in as little as six weeks.
Vaccine Pack $85.00
Children all around the world require vaccines to protect them from preventable diseases.
There may be water everywhere, however it is not always suitable to drink.
Aquatabs are essential water purification tablets that create clean drinking water, safeguarding children from life-threatening diseases.
1,000 Pencils $39.00
Sharpen up with pencils and watch a lifelong learning journey unfold.
These brightly coloured school bags make going to school even better.
This pack is brimming with products to help young women power through for a brighter future ahead...
Empower teens. This kit of re-usable menstrual pads enables students to carry on with their education, and lives, all year round.
a Christmas Pack, a kit full of surprises, including modelling clay, soccer balls, a basketball, a solar wind-up radio, and pencils, curated for young, energetic, and inquiring minds.
Our 'school in a box' is a portable way to keep all kids learning.
Christmas Pack is a kit full of surprises including modelling clay, soccer balls, a basketball, a solar wind-up radio, and pencils, curated for young, energetic, and inquiring minds.
Provide comfort and stability to children in emergency situations with essential hygiene items and warm blankets with Disaster Relief Kit.