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Christmas Special Pack

When children are caught up in conflict and emergencies, they can miss out on essential learning, fun, and recreation.

Help change that with a Christmas Pack, a kit full of surprises, including modelling clay, soccer balls, a basketball, a solar wind-up radio, and pencils, curated for young, energetic, and inquiring minds.

With this Inspired Gift, you can help make a child smile as they continue
learning and having fun.

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Play as Therapy: Bringing Smiles to Children in Need

17-year-old Madi, finding joy in football at UNICEF's child friendly space in Burkina Faso. © UNICEF/UN0640702/Dejongh

For a child, play is fun, but it can also be therapeutic – especially for children who have experienced conflict, disaster, or displacement.

Madi, a teenager from Burkina Faso, was injured during conflict in his hometown. With permanent scars from his injuries, he withdrew from his friends and didn’t participate in activities outside of his home.

Since the opening of the UNICEF child friendly space, Madi has participated in activities and has benefited from play and psychosocial care.

Madi says: “I love to participate with the activities and to play football. My dream is to become a teacher.”

Gifts, such as footballs, allow children and young people to engage with others and heal from their experiences. With this Inspired Gift, you can help make a child smile as they continue to heal, learn, and have fun.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Inspired Gifts are a collection of charity gifts essential for child survival and development. They provide crucial aid to children living in areas affected by poverty, conflict or natural disaster. When you order an Inspired Gift for family or friends, real supplies like vaccines and food are shipped from UNICEF’s warehouse in Copenhagen to children and families in need around the world.

With each purchase you can personalise a card for your nominated recipient that tells them about the incredible impact their Inspired Gift will have. You can choose to send the card in the mail or receive it instantly as a print-at-home PDF or an e-card.

Yes, they are. All of the Inspired Gifts you see on our website are real, tangible items being distributed year-round in response to the needs of children around the world.

If you choose to order a printed card, you should allow 10 working days for delivery. While we process all orders as efficiently as possible, please note that we are unable to control the timing of postage delivery through Australia Post. For any questions about the delivery of your order please call 1300 884 223 between the hours of 9am-5pm Mon-Fri. 

If you choose the e-card or print-at-home PDF, it will be delivered immediately.

Yes, and you are able to nominate a different delivery address for each card, if you wish.

Inspired Gifts respond to the real and changing needs of children around the world, so the item you select will be substituted for another item when there is a greater need for it. This means we cannot guarantee that the gift you select is the one that will be delivered to the field. We hope that through your purchase you are trusting us to deliver the supplies that will have the most impact for children in urgent need.